Old Blog - Personal
Archived Text: {{I'm away on the weekend but'll be back (and probably PC fixed or more likely a new PC bought) and I'm SERIOUSLY PLANNING moving to Blogdrive, man!}}
Friday, June 24, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Get Real...
VIP Pass: Men, still think ur girlfriends are such chatterboxes? Y'all talk 35% more than women on the damn phone!
(Link is title!)
Ok, I hope that person DOES get to be Prime Minister here, that James Dahl whoever he is. He does speak for reason, but is a lil harsh too. Hmm...
only province with borders that make eminent sense is Prince Edward Island. And
only because it's a tiny, tiny island. This is mainly because the borders were
drawn up arbitrarily and for purposes of efficiency and simplicity, not for any
regard towards sensibility.
In defence of our political forebearers, that was
the style at the time. After all, the Americans were carving square, arbitrary
States out of the western territory, why shouldn't they? In addition, the
borders of aboriginal nations didn't count for anything at the time either.
After all, they're just savages right?...However, as aboriginals realize
their rights, and as Canada's population both increases and becomes politically
aware (and in some cases, reactionary) to the realities of modern Canada, it is
becoming painfully clear that the current system of a Provincial administration
of a polyglot, sprawling populace, tied to tight Federal purse-strings has
several glaring weaknesses and more than a few unfair aspects...
more on http://members.shaw.ca/jamesdahl/canada.html)- James Dahl
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Sk00L's Out 4 Summer!
TunesNow: Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
IchibanTV: The Simpsons - The Episode Where Grandpa Has $100,000
VIP Pass: I watched Canadian Idol on Tuesday where Group A of the Top 32 performed. There was like a kid from Sudbury, Ont. who's 16's, but haven't developed his Adam's Applie and he looked very boylish (compare him with Bo Bice & it seems they're like they're 2 different generations, very shy, BUT he sings not really good. Ok..... I ADMIT IT, I voted 4 Daryl Brunt alright, as well as Ashley Leitao from our own province. Think I must be the luckiest kid in the world, cuz both of them made it to the Finals! Boo-ya!
[alt]Egoz: W00T!
Pleased/Pissed: that moi Maths teacher, Mr Wong, has claimed that I lost a textbk. That is so f***ing NOT TRUE. I sooooo remember that I gave it to him. But the sk00L is so much more powerful, and itz their policy that if the book is still lost, I have to pay it. My god, the price of a teacher's carelessness is me paying CAD$62!
Ok, besides that little scandal/slander/wateva which I only've 2 worry @ like Sept, AND a bump which increased the rate of my headache so much two days ago,....

(from Disney's Recess, I think, & sorry 4 stupid quality ^^;)
SK00L's OUT 4 4EVER!!!!!!
Boohoohoo... wish it was. I'm going to Singapore the next day for 2 and a half weeks, then moi mom (who unfortunately had to quit her job as an excellent Montessori Teacher (and Supervisor... ^-^))'ll go with me back home for 6 mnths (to supervise moi development), during the holidays it'll be hugely unecessary camps (I mean, can you cure a bad headache with Youth Intergration Programs?) then... there's not much left in my life. (Perhaps it's just me too cowardly with teenhood or sth... ._.")
(AND PLS, this blog will sometimes be VERY inactive, as the following will occupy its potential time where I could've post:
- the OTHER blog: [KnuXicated]
- My DeviantART Account
- Search for Talent - Sonic Fanart Awards (Currently finding creative fanavatars)
- Four flights... (2 @ mid-June, 2 @ early-July)
- Loads of outings...
- Inconvienent timing...
- Bad Internet...
- That should be it O-O
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
MJ ~ GUILTY! (0_L) NOT! >:[
TunesNow: On Fire - Lloyd Banks
IchibanTV: News of Micheal Jackson not guilty
VIP Pass: Some celebrities, when they come into the scene, they're so good and clean, if I tell you 20 years later, he or she will... have sex, booze, alcohol, drugs, scandal, you'd think I'm crazy. Now look at MJ! He was once a sweetie boy, and when he was in his 20s, he was like the Usher of the 1980s! Who's next now if ANYTHING is possible? Usher himself? For sexuallly assualting for girls he loves too much but they all don't love him?
The only thing that Micheal Jackson is guilty of is being weird. Fortunately, being weird is not a crime, or else 20% of California would be behing bars.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
The New Canada... Ok...
Well since I've been like a staple resident for Canada for 2+ years, it's strange when all of a sudden, when I was Googling for sth I 4got, I came into some pics called "The New Canada", with Canada's boundaries extending to the Democrat-in-favour states during the presidential election of 2004... just check it out here:

Wow, Canada has more land... poor US...

This must be a Bush supporter... Jesusland?!?

Ha, that's exact...

Tropic of Canada! Yea! We REALLY DO have all sorts of climates!
Oh My F***ing Lord!
Hi its Justin from my dads laptop... my PC finally "fell down" more coming up! :(
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Arghh... Necessary Procrasination...
TunesNow: "Don't Lie" -Black Eyed Peas
IchibanTV: MTV MOVIE AWARDS 2005!!!!!! Jimmy Fallon's xcellent!
VIP Pass:
Pleased/Pissed: that everyday seems like a freakin' routine
I remember about weeks ago (around the Troubled Times) that I promised a roundup of links from all blog posts during late March and April. Well, sorry, but the flow of hard life swept me (I didn't blog much in May anyway) so how about it, I'll do that all (blog entrys until now) on *sets date* JUNE the 20TH the latest! Ok, ciao!
Btw, ppl who r familiar with my Knux blog will find that Emmie's blog will also be affilated here, since she also types loads of personal stuff, along with loads of #%$#&*!... (imagine, a Tails worshipper being like that... O_0)... ah well, the world is strange...
Random WhatUShouLDo@WWW...
TunesNow: Speed of Sound - Coldplay (Hmm, I wonder whether it has any connection with
VIP Pass: JLo's new music video Hold You Down is supposed 2b romantic & emotional, but what's with her hair? Did she glomp at Princess Leia too much?
[alt]Egoz: Funkzized
Booyah! Finished the last Chinese class, had a better report card, it's the last weekend, what more would be better? ¦:-)
Anyway, let's get on to the activity. Notice when you link webpages as favorites, sometimes the icon next to the text will be different? That's because the website has an icon file, called favicon.ico uploaded. It will appear in major websites. In fact, to past some time, you can type this URL onto the Address field:
It'll show a 16x16 Fox logo. Then change the 'fox' in the URL to something else, like cnn or neopets. Different icons will show up! This is great, if you're collecting sweet icons!
If you want to have a custom icon beside your URL when someone add your website as a favourite, click here.
Until next time, ciao!
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Risen From the Ashes
TunesNow: Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
IchibanTV: Hell's Kitchen (SO MANY TWISTS! Luckily the Chinese contestant Chef Ramsey like...)
VIP Pass: Aren't Fantasia's "Got Me Waiting" and Frankie J's "How to Deal" copycats of Usher's "Burn"? hmm...
[alt]Egoz: Fantastikly Relieved!
*desperate* (`-*) You were supposed to destroy [the Sith], not join them!
Phew! *pant panity insanity pant* Look at how much we overcame! Ok, it might not be much to y'all dudes who spend life easily *envies*, but I've been going thru the worst times of my life, even it was either too busy, frustrating, or risky to record it down anywhere. It included a hint of a "Final Solution" if the "Headachish Problem" is not gone, flaring tempers, mishaps, a mother turning to the dark side &... all right, I might as well let pics do the talking: (_) <-No that's just an emoticon I just invented. Here:

Hmm, maybe I exaggerated a bit. No, that was what it was like. Pic drawn by Justin Greene, and the echidna there is Justin. XD Not me, its the other Justin. But the pic really symbolizes how those weeks were. I like the fanchar anyway, but why does it have extra hair? O_o
Now if you'd excuse me, I'd need rest to survive 2morerow's sk00L... then, the GLORIUS WEEKEND! Hey wait a sec, it's FINAL EXAMINATION on Saturday! Dang! Isn't there anything to look forward to? *Sleep, I guess* ZZZzzzzzz.....