My Flight to Singapore [An Old Extract]
VIP Pass:The other day I was havin' a bad stomachache in the toilet & I decided to pray to God (any God...) and beg for forgivness of my sins. Guess what? The stomachache disappeared! Now I know what's the sixth sense!
VIP Pass2: Boiled Mango leaves can rid skin infection!
Pleased/Pissed: That this trip was sooo far away...

I saw a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel in the plane too, and wtf? Even though they were just 9/10 yr old boys, I thought they must be the perfect example of the 4Kids-doctorine-brainwashing model kids. They were challenging each other with those clumsy "duel disks" advertised on TV. The worst was that they were even giving out their turns with stupid monolouges like on the anime! Clearly, Yu-Gi-Oh!, the anime, no matter how flashy it is, is just bait for kids to buy the cards! In fact, most anime in the US are like this. But the worst is that Yami Yugi or Tyson in Beyblade plays to SAVE THE WORLD, or win some "international tourney", which obviously gives hidden messages to viewers! *sigh* So I must say I must be a lil glad that Yu-Gi-Oh!'s new series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, is more sense, making it a duel academy, (it does suit the story: Pegasus went to Egypt and discovered that Egyptians played a game with Duel Monsters then he refound it, like the Olympics, then it becomes a craze, and Pegasus goes mad, he becomes evil, Yugi defeats him, then somehow Egyptian pharohs were revived and cause evil and then for another 2-3 seasons. Then, since the game is played too improperly, an academy is built.) It reminds me of Hogwarts, but ppl said that the dubbing is stupid. Judai to Jaden? Isn't Jaden a girl's name?
For Snacks in the plane, I had some CELEBRITY SANDWICHES! Cuz the Economy Class Snacks only have Chicken Cup Noddles! Celeb Sandwiches are full of rich and loaded meaty males, clasped with two rich and loaded starchy ladies, all the equal age!
The 24's: |Beyoncé|JustinTimberlake|BritneySpears|... mmm, rich with superstardom and scandality...
|ParisHilton|ElijiahWood|NicoleRichie|...hmm, that's hot! Must be a light choice, better avoid it
The 30's: |AngelinaJolie|DavidBeckham|EvaLongoria| ... wow, the ham's so matured, it's green with mold! But the bread is as slimy as ever! Yowch!
|DrewBarrymore|NickLachey|HilarySwank| ...there, a more complimentary selection, but it packs a punch.
The 46's: |Madonna|Prince|EllenDeGeneres| ... mmm... materialness, wackiness and funniness at-in-1.
|SharonStone|MichealJackson|JamieLeeCurtis ...where is the bread? Oh there it is, it's so thin!!! But why's the ham multi-coloured?
Ahh, that's worse. But anyway, I was having pasta during the supper on the plane and, has anybody noticed that if you eat pasta with butter on it, and then immediately drink iced water, you get this strange magnetic taste? Like you've been sucking on a magnet? And after I brushed moi teeth and drank some Coke, I found the ORIGINAL and CHEAP way to flavour it! So don't buy those ridiculous flavours!
Ok, avoir for now! This has been an old excerpt, so.... four days more to back to skool....
great blog!
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