Risen From the Ashes
TunesNow: Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
IchibanTV: Hell's Kitchen (SO MANY TWISTS! Luckily the Chinese contestant Chef Ramsey like...)
VIP Pass: Aren't Fantasia's "Got Me Waiting" and Frankie J's "How to Deal" copycats of Usher's "Burn"? hmm...
[alt]Egoz: Fantastikly Relieved!
*desperate* (`-*) You were supposed to destroy [the Sith], not join them!
- Ewan McGregor as neardoomed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is trying to quickend the 'climatic' lightsaber fight with Hayden Christensen as his former apprentice Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by attempting to bring him back to his senses with those harsh back-2-reality facts. Aw man, if only he'd try just a little bit harder, he's have prevented the birth of... *laboured breathing*
Phew! *pant panity insanity pant* Look at how much we overcame! Ok, it might not be much to y'all dudes who spend life easily *envies*, but I've been going thru the worst times of my life, even it was either too busy, frustrating, or risky to record it down anywhere. It included a hint of a "Final Solution" if the "Headachish Problem" is not gone, flaring tempers, mishaps, a mother turning to the dark side &... all right, I might as well let pics do the talking: (_) <-No that's just an emoticon I just invented. Here:

Hmm, maybe I exaggerated a bit. No, that was what it was like. Pic drawn by Justin Greene, and the echidna there is Justin. XD Not me, its the other Justin. But the pic really symbolizes how those weeks were. I like the fanchar anyway, but why does it have extra hair? O_o
Now if you'd excuse me, I'd need rest to survive 2morerow's sk00L... then, the GLORIUS WEEKEND! Hey wait a sec, it's FINAL EXAMINATION on Saturday! Dang! Isn't there anything to look forward to? *Sleep, I guess* ZZZzzzzzz.....
God, I HATE Let-Me-Love-You Mario.. Grr...
???? When did I talk about it?
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