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Title Link to: Sasamat Outdoor Camp
SoundsNow: The torturous breaking sounds of chives, compliments of hers truly, momma!
VIP Pass: I'm really considering to move to Blogdrive, I tell ya. Here, it's quite hard for one to personaliaze the appearance... which makes me green with envy for moi fello bloggers...
[alt]Egoz: p|r|o|c|r|a|s|i v.4
nice, eh? But not as sweet as this!
-which-soon-later-didn't-care-about freaky-reptiles-&-had-pheonixes
(rechristened as a burning fox)-&-Zapdoses-to-be-the-browser/email-client
-&-itz-hot-cuz-u-can-change-its appearance-&-add-its-features-like-WMP!!! So..................F**k you, IE! DIEEEEEEEEE! *splats IE's chips & HTML tags to millions of pieces* And also an ackno@#$%^&* to Kongkeat Kuatrakull for his Noia 2.0 Xtreme theme. But maybe that ain't teh main feature of the deskie. Maybe it's the transparent hard-to-sees on the top which are MSN Messenger Plus! Contact Buttons, thanks to Messenger Plus! (not created by Microsoft), which enhances your favourite IM program 2 the max! Maybe... ok ok, you've guessed it. I'm using Windows XP Home Edition (still on my mom's laptop), which many dudes my age says its lousy and you should have WinXP Pro(fessional). In the long run, they're both the freakin' same! It's just the _Pro_ in Professional that attracts those know-nothing-bout-techy-stuff kids... and I am about to get a new Media Centre PC... and I decided to test-drive the new Energy Blue shell, and it's free distribution, thx to Microsoft NZ, along with a more vibrant Bliss bg, a NZ-themed Bliss bg, the NZ bg in winter, and the same NZ bg with cartoonish crowned corgis to celebrate the Queen's birthday some boulders & signs... and oh, the OS Info on the bottom-right, thx to Tweak UI, a PowerToy for XP. It basically tweaks your user interfrance, like which icon should go first on the desktop, the size of the thumbnails etc...
Ah well, see ya... till next time...
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