Sk00L's Out 4 Summer!
TunesNow: Mariah Carey - We Belong Together
IchibanTV: The Simpsons - The Episode Where Grandpa Has $100,000
VIP Pass: I watched Canadian Idol on Tuesday where Group A of the Top 32 performed. There was like a kid from Sudbury, Ont. who's 16's, but haven't developed his Adam's Applie and he looked very boylish (compare him with Bo Bice & it seems they're like they're 2 different generations, very shy, BUT he sings not really good. Ok..... I ADMIT IT, I voted 4 Daryl Brunt alright, as well as Ashley Leitao from our own province. Think I must be the luckiest kid in the world, cuz both of them made it to the Finals! Boo-ya!
[alt]Egoz: W00T!
Pleased/Pissed: that moi Maths teacher, Mr Wong, has claimed that I lost a textbk. That is so f***ing NOT TRUE. I sooooo remember that I gave it to him. But the sk00L is so much more powerful, and itz their policy that if the book is still lost, I have to pay it. My god, the price of a teacher's carelessness is me paying CAD$62!
Ok, besides that little scandal/slander/wateva which I only've 2 worry @ like Sept, AND a bump which increased the rate of my headache so much two days ago,....

(from Disney's Recess, I think, & sorry 4 stupid quality ^^;)
SK00L's OUT 4 4EVER!!!!!!
Boohoohoo... wish it was. I'm going to Singapore the next day for 2 and a half weeks, then moi mom (who unfortunately had to quit her job as an excellent Montessori Teacher (and Supervisor... ^-^))'ll go with me back home for 6 mnths (to supervise moi development), during the holidays it'll be hugely unecessary camps (I mean, can you cure a bad headache with Youth Intergration Programs?) then... there's not much left in my life. (Perhaps it's just me too cowardly with teenhood or sth... ._.")
(AND PLS, this blog will sometimes be VERY inactive, as the following will occupy its potential time where I could've post:
- the OTHER blog: [KnuXicated]
- My DeviantART Account
- Search for Talent - Sonic Fanart Awards (Currently finding creative fanavatars)
- Four flights... (2 @ mid-June, 2 @ early-July)
- Loads of outings...
- Inconvienent timing...
- Bad Internet...
- That should be it O-O
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