Sunday, June 19, 2005

Get Real...

TunesNow: Numb by Linkin Park
VIP Pass: Men, still think ur girlfriends are such chatterboxes? Y'all talk 35% more than women on the damn phone!
(Link is title!)
Ok, I hope that person DOES get to be Prime Minister here, that James Dahl whoever he is. He does speak for reason, but is a lil harsh too. Hmm...

^Lord Dahl's Master Plan!^

Canada's provincial borders, to be honest, make no bloody sense at all. The
only province with borders that make eminent sense is Prince Edward Island. And
only because it's a tiny, tiny island. This is mainly because the borders were
drawn up arbitrarily and for purposes of efficiency and simplicity, not for any
regard towards sensibility.

In defence of our political forebearers, that was
the style at the time. After all, the Americans were carving square, arbitrary
States out of the western territory, why shouldn't they? In addition, the
borders of aboriginal nations didn't count for anything at the time either.
After all, they're just savages right?...

However, as aboriginals realize
their rights, and as Canada's population both increases and becomes politically
aware (and in some cases, reactionary) to the realities of modern Canada, it is
becoming painfully clear that the current system of a Provincial administration
of a polyglot, sprawling populace, tied to tight Federal purse-strings has
several glaring weaknesses and more than a few unfair aspects...
more on

- James Dahl


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