Old Blog - Personal
Archived Text: {{I'm away on the weekend but'll be back (and probably PC fixed or more likely a new PC bought) and I'm SERIOUSLY PLANNING moving to Blogdrive, man!}}
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Nuts for Vista? {DRAFT}
Starting with WMP11 skin imitations! (for WMP10! OMG!)
http://www.shooter468.com/wmp11skin.html <-Must be the most imitating
http://thevista.ru/files/mutogens/wmp11ski...TheVista.ru.rar <- Oh my my... some Vista-crazed Russians created a great imitation too...
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/24705648/ <- Mini-sized!
and... http://spaces.msn.com/koshyjohnuk/Blog/cns!1p4ZtAxvTAakvXpMq-RW3liA!585.entry
only one with transparency! (AND Messenger 8 Beta! Whoo!)
But the thing they're all lacking... resizing.
Which brings us to see how the GUI of WMP evolved!
The first real GUI is WMP7. It REALLY looked like v9, but grey. ................... ................ WMP10 introduced Energy Blue (hmmm... is it all those "neon" and "liquid energy" and "star wars lightsabers" inspiration?) and WMP11 goes one step further, making v10 look obselete. [COMPLETE VERSION WILL HAVE PICS]
Monday, April 10, 2006
Don't We All ♥ Referees?
Favourable Tunes: MJB da MVP - Mary J. Blige f/ The Game & 50 Cent

Credit to Ninja-Killer.
We should have that signs everytime one of those blasted human-rulebooks disallow a goal, likt that one in yesterday's Canucks vs Flames game. Yes, I'd admit it, I'm a fan of the half-doomed Canucks. Let's hope Ed "Superman" Jovanovski can save us. And maybe Sami Salo, who looks older than he is. Like Snoop Dogg. Or maybe Dan Cloutier! During these tiring "Auld Dynasty" months, we see him slipping stupid giveaway . takeaway . shorthanded . goals! Oh wait. He is too unfit. Bleurgh. Forget about the "Every 12 years" thing. Vancouver may not even get to the playoffs! Maybe if they did, how can they fare well with ANY of the other 7 teams? Detroit? No way. Dallas? May....... be........ not. Calgary? Oh, please not another '03-'04 nightmare. Nashville? Maybe, with its goalie out. :J4J: Anaheim? O_o.... Edmonton? 50/50 chance. More like 40%. Colorado? Now that's 50/50. But seeing we have a 80% chance of getting in 8th if we get into the playoffs, it'll be against Detroit. Bummer!
Freakin' "Not-Worth" Qs:
1) Is Colorado's Foot Logo inspired from Adam FOOTe?
2) Why did Vancouver go over a COMPLETE regime change in their players? Their new "top" line are Swedish twins and Anson "The Nomad" Carter! Where's Nazzy or Bert? They were almost stars like Iginla or Kariya!