Monday, April 11, 2005

Brad and Jen: Why the Heck People are Like:omg

Well, over like a month ago, the Golden Couple of Hollywood (older awardshow photo), Brad Pitt (Ocean's Eleven, The Mexican, Ocean's Twelve, Troy) and Jennifer Anniston (Friends) has SPLIT. Well, I admit that me, like many others were shocked and thought they WERE the like the role models for future Hollywood couples. I mean, there are now no Hollywood couples to trust that they won't split. I mean, Nick and Jessica (Newlyweds) has rumours surrounding them what what SPLIT, and they keep dening! Some people joked that with Brad/Jen gone, they ain't got not even hope for a good marriage! BUT HELLO PEOPLE, Wake Up!

The thing is, YOU'RE NOT CELEBRITIES people! I mean, divorce always have factors and reasons. The reason why most Hollywood couples just can't hold the knot is that, HEY, there's the work ethic, there's the paparlazzi, the stress, tension, somethings we normal people ain't know it... actualy we DO have a hope. In fact, much better than the stars. So everyone don't be that negative. Hey, we have 80-something couples married for 40 or 50 years and even by keeping things simple, there's no point of Splitsville!

Ok, that is my opinion. Not that I really know all about tying the knot, I'm not even Looking 4 Zinglez!
Jw21 - Secretly Hoping Britney/Kevin WOULDN'T split!


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